Labor Day Musings

I was asked for advice about work and career. What came to mind were principles I have tried to apply in my own work. I share them today, in no particular order, as Labor Day approaches.

Learn what is expected of you. You have a right to know how your work will be evaluated. Learn the written and unwritten expectations found in your formal job description and informal codes of company culture.

Help others succeed in their work. Be a good neighbor to your co-workers.

Try to enjoy your work.

Finish what you start.

Don’t procrastinate. Most of the time it is best to do the hard parts first.

Communicate. Ask questions. Initiate better ways of doing things.

Don’t love money. Use money. It is a useful servant but a terrible master. “Whoever loves money will never have enough” (Ecclesiastes 5:10).

Take a day off. The sabbath principle was built into the universe for our emotional and physical health.

Recognize that the opportunity to gain wealth is a gift from God. Thank him regularly. “Remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Do your work for the glory of God.

Pastor Randy Faulkner